[Published November 22, 2023. Updated November 22, 2023]

Personal Statement: All media can drastically improve or hurt worldviews and assumptions about cultures/people. It is important to me to engage in independent journalism, by photographing real, true, and genuine moments. I urge people who view any photograph, to never make assumptions about countries, cultures, or individuals represented without knowing the full context of the image of a person(s) being documented. It is solely the responsibility of a journalist, photographer, editor, etc to treat others’ privacy and photographs with respect and honor. As a privileged, white-skinned American heterosexual woman who is living on stolen land, I pledge to continually work in educating myself by listening to the voices of people who are being marginalized and amplifying those voices, not my own.

  • Education, Implicit biases, and Accountability

I commit myself to a lifelong journey of educating myself on my implicit biases and privilege. I believe that it is crucial to continue informing myself, and others, to combat issues that are inherently learned and taught in our society.

I continue to take the necessary steps to unlearn and combat issues created by white supremacy such as racism, sexism, colonialization, the white savior complex, cultural tokenism, poverty porn, voluntourism, colorism, anti-blackness, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, ageism, xenophobia, and anti-Semitism.

When I make a mistake, I own up to it. I recognize that I am not perfect, I am not an expert, and I believe that I am a life-long learner.

  • Dignity & Respect

I strive to document the real, raw, and genuine moments. I acknowledge the human worth and dignity of every person from every background, religion, race, and sexual orientation. I respect and honor all people, knowing that they see the world differently from me, and that is uniquely beautiful.

  • Informed Consent

I consider informed consent and approval to document individuals. I firmly believe consent is not enough, and that I must inform people, to the very best of my ability, of the intention behind why I am taking their image. I will not accept assignments from organizations or agencies without understanding the work of an organization or the intentions behind their projects.

  • Photographic Language

I avoid using photographic language (shoot, capture, subject) rooted in colonialism, militarization, and patriarchy. 

  • The Use of Artificial Intelligence, stock photos, and post-production

My photographs are not approved for AI use or AI Training. Generative artificial intelligence will never be something I engage in to help tell real stories. I believe that using AI-generated imagery, when telling stories of real events, creates a false misrepresentation.

It does not belong in the field of photojournalism nor can be deemed as ethical or true journalism. I agree with this statement put out by WRITING WITH LIGHT.

I firmly believe any photograph that is not lens-based does not qualify as photography. I do not distort, change, manipulate, or photoshop my photographs to tell a story of something that was or was not present in the image. I do not use stock photographs for any journalism projects or portfolio use. All photographs published on my website are taken by me, unless otherwise credited.

  • Environmentalism & Ownership

I am a Leave No Trace-aware photographer. I recognize the environmental impact of my work and ensure that the camera and videography equipment I use are from sustainable sources.

I recognize the owners of the stolen land on which I presently live and work belong to the Shawandasse Tula (Shawanwaki/Shawnee) and Mvskoke (Muscogee) people.

Documenting with Dignity & Respect